Thursday, 20 September 2018

Hatchimals CollEGGtibles Series 3 Review

My 5-year-old daughter loves Hatchimals, last Christmas she got the big twin Hatchimals and some of the little CollEGGtibles which she really likes. This Christmas she has added more of the CollEGGtibles to her Christmas list as she loves hatching the little eggs and seeing what Hatchimals she will find inside. Like most children, she loves the surprise element of opening these toys, thanks to YouTube videos. Hatchimals have a Series 3 collection out in time for Christmas with over 100 CollEGGtables to collect in this series. 

Sophia was lucky enough to be sent some Hatchimals CollEGGtibles series 3 to review from Spinmaster, she was so excited when the box arrived and could not wait to open them up and see which CollEGGtibles she would find to add to her collection. We were sent the one dozen egg carton which looks just like a box of dozen eggs, a four pack a two pack with a nest and a blind bag. 

Hatchimals CollEGGtibles series 3 collection on grass

If you are not familiar with Hatchimals CollEGGtibles they are small eggs that have a heart on the front, you rub the egg and when the heart changes colour you can crack the egg up and hatch a cute little figure from inside the shell. My children think it is so much hatching the eggs and seeing which character they will find inside. 

Hatchimals CollEGGtibles one dozen eggs packet on grass

First up we opened the one dozen egg carton (£24.99) as this was the one my children were most excited about opening. It contains a dozen (12) eggs and you can even find twins in this pack, Sophia couldn't believe her luck when she found not one but two sets of twins in her set. The container is also perfect for storing the Hatcimals in once opened so you don't lose them. 

contents of Hatchimals one dozen eggs when opened

Next, we opened the blind bag (£3) which has a singular egg in and is perfect for a Christmas stocking filler or pocket money treat. 

opening a hatchimal CollEGGtible egg

Before moving onto the two pack (£4.99) which came with a nest to keep the egg or Hatchimals in. 

hatchimals in nest in garden

Lastly, we opened the four-pack (£9.99) which came with a bonus Hatchimal already opened in the pack. 

Hatchimals series 3 package

Both my children (my four-year-old son also got in on the action) loved opening the Hatchimals CollEGGtibles, they were so excited about hatching the eggs and seeing what was inside. My little girl has played with them nonstop as she really loves them and is happy she has more to add to her collection. 

Holding Hatchimals when opened

Hatchimals CollEGGtibles are recommended for children aged 5+ and my own 5-year-old certainly really likes them. They are available to buy now from all leading toy retailers with prices starting at just £3. 

Have your children discovered Hatchimals CollEGGtibles yet? 

Disclosure we were sent these toys for the purpose of this review, however, all opinions are my own. 


  1. Hatchimals look like they are going to be a hot toy. I'm sure kids will love these and perfect for Christmas gifts too x

    1. They really would make great Christmas gifts, my daughter got some last year and loved them x

  2. Awww these are super cute. My kids are a bit big for these now but a couple of years ago they would have LOVED these x

    1. My teen would have loved them when she was younger too x

  3. Oh my goodness my 7 year old love Hatchimals! She has her birthday coming up and she's put the dozen egg carton on her list.

    1. The dozen egg carton is great, it is ideal for storing them all too so they don't get lost x

  4. My twins would love these! How cute are they in the egg carton too

  5. I love hatchimals I was one of the mad ones who got one the Christmas before last when they sold out! These are so cute!

    1. ah you were lucky, people went crazy for them when they first came out didn't they x

  6. My niece is visiting and showed me hers. They look like great little toys to get their imaginations going. And also brilliant, as you said, as stocking fillers!

  7. Awww how cute as these, I know my nephew has been collecting them to, absolutely love them.

  8. I think my niece would love these they look so cute. And, I'm always looking for small stocking filler presents

    1. They are perfect for stocking fillers, especially the blind bags x

  9. My youngest adores Hatchimals - I thought the phase might have worn off by now but she's still as obsessed. I love the cute little ones - we've not been lucky enough to discover any twins yet though!

    1. My daughter couldn't believe her luck she got two sets of twins, hope your daughter finds some soon for her collection x


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