Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Other Bloggers Family Lives Featuring North East Family Fun

Welcome to the first post in my new blog series called Other Bloggers Family Lives. I mentioned last week that I was starting this series and I have had an amazing response so far, thank you to everyone who has agreed to take part. Each Wednesday I am hoping to feature a blogger who will answer a few questions about their family and where they live, a way to find out more about some of my favourite bloggers and also to hopefully help you find some new blogs to read. 

I am pleased to have Sam from North East Family Fun as my first blogger featured in this series as she is one of the reasons I actually started blogging in the first place. I have known Sam for years and she is just as nice and friendly in real life as she comes across on her blog, we actually use to sit together in high school and we grew up in the same town. It was through Sam's blog that I discovered pregnancy blogs and decided to start my own blog when I was pregnant myself. 

North East Family Fun is a really popular blog that is full of loads of great ideas for family days out here in the North East and beyond. Sam is always on social media where she is always happy to help others out and she has even started her own social media management business, as well as running two blogs and being a mum to three children. I honestly don't know how she manages to do it all!

 Here is a little more about the family behind North East Family Fun. 

north east family fun blog

1.) Tell me a bit about yourself and your family?

We are a family of 5 redheads so you defiantly can't miss us! I live in Northumberland with my husband Steve and our three children Harry (9) Heidi (6) and Jack (5). I work from home as a full-time blogger and social media manager and also run the North East Network of Brilliant Bloggers with Karen (Monkey-Feet) and am a director of the Northumberland Mumpreneurs.

2.) Where do you live?

I live in a three bedroomed house in Cramlington, Northumberland, I love it as it is quiet and next to lots of grass where the children can play. It's about a 15-minute walk to the main shopping centre, coffee shops, restaurants, pubs and leisure centre and about a 25-minute walk to school. I absolutely love where I live and defiantly see this as our forever home. 

3.) What is your favourite thing to do as a family where you live? 

I don't normally like to spend a lot of money if I can help it as money doesn't go far when you are a family of five. Our favourite thing to do is to pack a picnic and head to a national trust property where the kids can play and we can relax. Gibside, Cragside, Wallington and Seaton Delaval Hall are our favourites. 

4.) If you could live anywhere where would you? 

Although I said this is my forever home we do dream of retiring to one of Northumberland's coastal villages - Alnmouth, Amble and Craster are our favourites, All three of these places offer stunning coastal views and nice welcoming pubs with homemade food - what more could you need? 

5.) Did you grow up close to where you live now and what are your favourite childhood memories of where you grew up? 

Yes, I can actually see one of my childhood homes from where I live now so I have defiantly stayed close. When I grew up our street had a real community feel - in the summer we used to all play rounders together, have massive water fights or play giant games of hide and seek. There must have been about 25 children in our street. We also organised coach trips with our neighbours and I always remember going to Flamingoland every year. If you went through the Tyne Tunnel in them days, it meant you were heading for a fantastic day out. 

6.) Have you got any exciting family plans for the year ahead? 

Yes, we have a few trips away planned - a UK break over Easter and then a family holiday trip to Spain in June. We also hope to add a four-legged friend to our family in the late summer - everyone is VERY excited about that. 

Harry turns 10 this year so I will have a child in double figures and it is out 10th wedding anniversary too! OMG, where does the time go! I'm sure we will plan something lovely to celebrate both. 

7.) What is your favourite thing about family life? 

Watching your children grow into lovely, kind people is just amazing. It's the little things I love the most - when they write you a little love note or you catch them playing nicely. Our house is never quiet when everyone is home but I love that no one could ever complain they are bored. 

Now that the children are getting older the boys can go to the cinema with Steve to see the latest Superhero movie too which means I get out of it now! Yeah. 

Thank you Sam for taking part, I loved reading your answers as it sounds like you have a great family life and have lots of great things planned for the year ahead. As I grew up in Cramlington and still live nearby I know what a fantastic town it is, it is where we are planning on buying our forever home someday soon too. 

To find out more about Sam and her family visit her blog 

Or follow on social media 

If you would like to take part in Other Bloggers Family Lives then please just send me an e-mail at You don't need to be a parent to take part either as the questions can be easily adapted. 



  1. I've had the pleasure of meeting Sam a couple of times, what a lovely family and a great way to start your blogging series. #Sharewithme

    1. Thank you, I am so pleased to have her as my first featured blogger as it is thanks to her I discovered blogging. She really does have a lovely family xx

  2. Lovely idea for a series. Great way to get to know other bloggers #sharewithme

    1. Thank you, I love finding out more about bloggers and I am hoping thise series will help my readers discover new blogs xx

  3. Hi Sam! It's so nice to read about other bloggers and find out about them. It's my 10th wedding anniversary next month too!

    1. It really is so nice to find out about other bloggers, even though I have known Sam for such a long time it will still nice to find out more about her family life. Ten year anniversary is amazing ! xx

  4. This is going to be a great series; what a fab idea!
    It was lovely to read more about Sam and to learn she was your inspiration for blogging!

    1. Thank you Helena, I hope you are right. She really is an inspiration, even though my blog is so different to hers it was from following her blog on Facebook from the start that I discovered pregnancy blogs and started one myself xx

  5. Thank you for featuring :D What a lovely idea for a series #ShareWithMe

    1. Thank you so much for taking part in it , your feature has had such a great response and everyone seems to have enjoyed finding out more about you xx

  6. Oh what a lovely idea for a series. Like Sam I don't like spending money unnecessarily though I seem to often. There is so much you can do for free if you just head outside and explore! Very exciting about a new pet as well :) x

    1. Thank you Laura, I wish I was more like you and Sam as I am terrible at spending way to much money on days out. I know I am very jealous she is getting a dog as I would love one but my eldest is allergic xx

  7. What a fun idea for a series - and lovely to find out a bit more about Sam than I already know from her blog (and meeting her once!).

    1. Thank you, I know I enjoyed finding out more about her too even though I have known her a long time. xx

  8. Love this and Sam has the right idea about money. I wish I could be better with money like her because its true there is so much to do that you don't need to pay for!

    1. Thank you Ana, I wish I was more like her too as I am so bad at wasting money on things we don't really need xx

  9. What a lovely series and it is lovely to get to know a little more about you x

    1. Thank's Aby, it is nice finding out a bit more about other bloggers in interview type posts xx

  10. This is a great idea, i love reading about other peoples family life which is probably why I read so many blogs! looking forward to reading more xx

    1. Thank you Natalie, I love reading about other peoples lives too and read so many blogs as I am a bit nosy. I will be featuring a different blogger every Wednesday xx

  11. What a great idea for a series...
    It's nice to know more about Sam...I have always said I would move to Amble when I am old. It's such a lovely seaside town x

    1. Thank you so much Kim, It really is nice to find out a bit more about her. I would love you to take part someday, as your also local to us. I have not been to Amble for years although I use to spend every summer there as a child as my grandparents had a caravan there and I use to love it xx

  12. What a great idea of a series, and what great questions. It was lovely to read Sam's answers!

    1. Thank you, I loved reading the answers too as you feel like you know more about her family life after reading the answers xx

  13. This is a great idea for a feature - really interesting to hear about different families and different places and learn a bit more about bloggers.

    1. Thank you, I know it is very interesting hearing about different families and their plans and what life is like where they live xx

  14. Interview some friends for a blog is a good idea, as long they are okay with some of their details put on the internet. Your questions were to the point and I love the answers you received.

    Thanks for Sharing

    John M.

  15. What a great series. I loved reading this. I'll have to check out Sam's blog.

    1. Thank's Tori, I am glad that you enjoyed it. You should check out her blog xx

  16. Two holidays and a dog. That has the potential to be a very busy 2016! Great tl earn more about other bloggers. #ShareWithMe

    1. It really does sound like they have a very busy year ahead planned

  17. Such a lovely idea and definitely a good way to get to know who have inspired you as well as find new blogs to follow.
    The family looks like a lot of fun and hope that the children continue to grow into lovely people :)

    Alina from The Fairytale Pretty Picture

  18. Sam certainly crams it in on the blogging front. Nice to read more about bloggers and their family life

    1. She really does doesn't she, I honestly don't know how she manages so much. x

  19. What a great series. Is nice learning more about other bloggers. x

    1. Thank you Sam, it really is nice learning a bit more. Hopefully this will help others find some new blogs too xx

  20. This is a greats series its nice to find out more about the person rather than the blog if you know what I mean? Although saying that I am very impressed with the 2 blogs, social media manager and involvement with groups! I struggle with one! xx

    1. Yes I know exactly what you mean. I know me too I don't know how she manages all of that and two blogs, I also just struggle with one as their is always so much to do and not enough time xx

  21. Sounds like a great year ahead! Choosing a dog is so exciting. 3 beautiful children too, must be one proud mummy

    1. It really does sound like they have some amazing plans for the year ahead. I am a tad jealous about the dog as I would love a puppy. I bet she is one proud mum x

  22. Always lovely to hear more about the person behind the blog. I'm so with you on NT properties - they're great for a family day out. That will be lovely to get a four-legged friend - he will have to be a redhead too! #sharewithme x

    1. It really is nice to find out a bit more. I keep hearing such great things about national trust I really must join someday. Haha I wonder of they will get a redheaded dog too, that would be pretty cool xx

  23. Great post - I love reading about other bloggers and their lives :) Kaz x

    1. Thank you Kaz, I love it too as I am rather nosy lol xx

  24. Ah what a lovely idea for a series, I love finding out a little bit more about other bloggers. If you ever need anyone else I would love to do it. I am so nosey! xx

    1. Thank you Katie, You know that I totally adore your blog and would love for you to take part if you ever have the time xx

  25. What a lovely blog series to get to know more about other blogger's family lives. I love it. Great getting to know Sam and her beautiful crew here. Thanks for linking up to Share With Me. I hope to see you again tomorrow for another great roundup! #sharewithme

    1. Thank you Jenny, I have not had the time to link up this week but I shall be back next week as I love #sharewithme xx

  26. Samantha sounds lovely is she in any of the blogger groups she looks familiar!I love looking into other bloggers lives it is exciting!

    1. I am not sure if she is not, she is very active on social media though xx

  27. My inner nosey Parker loves this series!

    1. I am glad you like it Karen, I put off starting it for ages and I thought no-one would be interested xx


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