Tuesday 2 February 2016

HIPP #MilkMoments Plus Win A HiPP Organic Follow-On Milk Hamper

This time last year I was starting to wean my son who was six months old, it honestly feels like it was yesterday and not a whole year ago! I remember being so nervous about weaning him as his older sister had been really difficult to wean and point blank refused everything we gave her, she is still a fussy eater now and she is almost three. Weaning my baby boy was a whole new experience as he loved it and took to it like a duck to water, which was no surprise as he had loved his milk and was a bit of hungry horris at times and food was something he eagerly took too.

When HiPP got in contact recently to ask me about my memories of weaning my son Jacob I knew I had to share my experience as it was such a pleasant one. Now that my babies are no longer babies and are little toddlers thinking back to a year ago makes me feel incredibly broody, I wish I had of cherished those baby days a bit more.

When it came to weaning I was a bit apprehensive about how Jacob would react as he really really loved his milk and would guzzle it down. We decided to go down the traditional puree route to weaning first of all and tried him on baby rice then porridge and eventually purees, funnily enough, the HiPP fruit pots were huge hits. Once he was taking purees we moved onto a more baby led approach letting him feed himself finger foods. I really worried that he was not getting enough nutrients as let's face it baby-led weaning can be messy and babies like to throw food, I was never sure how much he was actually eating as most of it ended up on the floor or all over his chubby little face.

This is where products like HiPP organic follow-on milk come in useful as it compliments a weaning babies diet from 6 months when moving on from breast or infant feeding. Follow-on milk is full of extra ingredients such as iron and vitamins in case they are not getting as much as they need from food alone. HiPP nutritionist Helen has some great advice about the follow-on milk.

" Follow-on milks are designed to complement the weaning diet whilst your baby is getting used to a variety tastes and textures. They are higher in iron and vitamin D than standard infant formula which can really be a help if baby is not eating enough iron-containing foods and is therefore at greater risk of iron deficiency, and to help protect the baby against becoming vitamin D deficient. "

HiPP organic have been researching breast milk for over 50 years, meaning you can rely on HiPP organic to include the ingredients your baby needs to grow strong and healthy. HiPP Organic follow-on milk includes the essential ingredients your baby needs including iron for cognitive development, Vitamins A, C and D for the immune system and PRÆBIOTIK® a source of allgosaccharldes.  

HiPP has also created a great little reusable milk storage box which has a built-in scoop holder in the lid and scoop and leveller inside the box. As a parent, I know how handy little features such as these can be when making up bottles of formula. It all sounds perfect for a weaning baby so it comes as no surprise to me that 10 out of 10 mums who have changed to HiPP organic follow on milk say that their babies seem happier.

I always think that when baby is happy then mum and dad are happy too as let's face it all us parents want in life is the best for our children and for them to be happy and healthy. My son Jacob was definitely happy when we were weaning him and meal times are still one of his favourite times of the day now he is 17 months old. I often miss the days when he was trying new foods and textures for the first time, I am just pleased I can look back on them with a smile. 

If you are just starting or about to start weaning your little one then I have one HiPP Organic follow-on milk hamper to giveaway. The hamper will contain some weaning goodies, some HiPP organic follow-on milk and the HiPP reusable milk storage box.

To enter just log into the Rafflecopter below and follow the instructions. T&C's apply. Open to UK entrants 18 + only, One winner will win one HiPP Follow-on milk hamper. Winner will be selected at random via Rafflecopter from all correct entries received by the closing date and contacted via e-mail. The prize will come directly from HiPP organic, no cash alternative.

Good luck.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Milk Disclaimer :
The Department of Health recommends that you breastfeed your baby exclusively for the first six months of their life; at around six months you can start to wean them onto solids and start to combine breastfeeding with bottle feeding. HiPP Organic understands that all babies are different and some mums might want to transfer to bottle feeding earlier than others. HiPP Organic would always advise that you speak to your midwife or health visitor before changing your feeding method. For more information on milks, please visit the HiPP Organic website http://www.hipp.co.uk/milks-important-notice .

Disclosure: Post in collaboration with Hipp Organic. 



  1. No experience yet, my sister seemed to go ok though

  2. Weaning with my 1st was hell but now know it's was due to low tone in his mouth, starting to get prepared to wean my youngest in a few weeks so hoping it goes better this time and is less stressful xx

  3. With my oldest it was a case of the earlier the better as he was a large baby and we had to try food at ten weeks! It helped as he started sleeping through the night again, which was a godsend!

  4. Took me a while to feel confident when I started weaning my son x

  5. My youngest was born with a tooth, i didnt breastfeed as long as i would have liked

  6. I weaned my son at 6 months as he was a very greedy baby he took to it straight away and was never a fussy eater.

  7. My son really enjoyed weaning and loved trying new foods, my daughter however has been trickier she is really reluctant to try new or stronger flavours so its a case of trying and trying again I think lol! It does make me worry about her getting all the right nutrients though. xx

  8. My son struggled initially - but once he was used to something different he was soon taking to all sorts of new flavours and tastes.

  9. still to wean our little one but up for the challenge lol

  10. my kids loved weaning and trying diffrent textures

  11. I loved weaning - I loved pureeing everything - so cute x

  12. The only experience I have really is to take all the time that's needed as food is fun until they're one!!

  13. Lots of blending and pureeing - and mess!

  14. My daughter is only three months old so not on to weaning just yet!


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