Thursday, 20 November 2014

A Monthly Treat With Teen Parcel


Update teen parcel is now called pink parcel and I am unsure if they still offer these boxes. 

 If you are a parent to a tween or teenage daughter then please do read on, as I have just discovered the perfect product for them, the Teen Parcel.

So what is a Teen Parcel you are probably wondering? Well, it is a monthly subscription box (you all know I really love subscription boxes) aimed at teenage girls and it is packed with everything they will need for that time of the month. Yep, its a period box, it comes packed with pads or tampons whichever you select when you sign up and also in the box is a special little box of treats to try and cheer the teen in your life up a little bit.

pink teen parcel box

I remember when I was younger and I started my periods, I was eleven years old and I was actually on an aeroplane thirty five thousand feet up in the air on my way to a fortnight in the sun with my family- perfect timing mother nature! I was scared and rather embarrassed and it kind of ruined the start of my holiday. Luckily my mum was really understanding and helpful, but looking back it was still a rather tough time dealing with my changing body. Periods are one of those things young girls normally get a bit embarrassed about too.

Now my oldest daughter is twelve and in secondary school, she has had all the talks about periods and puberty, and I have brought her books so she can learn about things herself. And in the last few months, she has changed from my lovely sweet (well sometimes sweet) daughter into a huffy stroppy teenager in the making. Yep, puberty has hit, her body is changing along with her attitude. So when I heard about Teen Parcel I thought this would be perfect for her.

inside the teen parcel box

The box arrived and it was discretely packaged in a white wrapper, when you unwrapped it there was a lovely pink box. Inside the box there was two boxes of Tampax tampons and also a discreet black drawstring bag to store them in. Perfect for hiding in a school bag. And then a treat box, and to be honest this was all she was interested in. Inside the treat box, there was a bag of Haribo sweets, a chocolate flavoured tea bag, a bracelet, Binky nail varnish and some clean & clear skincare items. Perfect products to cheer a teen up.

back drawstring bag

So what did she think of the box? The treat box she loved, the Harribo were eating instantly, the tea was drank and she said it tasted of caramel and she wants me to buy more. The bracelet has been added to her vast jewellery collection, The skincare products have been tested out and she has declared she loves them but the thing she loved the most is the Binky (from made in Chelsea) nail varnish as she is a huge nail varnish fan.

contents of a teen parcel box, haribo, nail varnish, tampons

What did I think? I think that these parcels are really good as I remember starting my periods and how rubbish it was, I think receiving a parcel like this through the post would have really cheered me up. It would be something a teenage girl would really look forward to each month as it is a little treat just for them.

You can check out Teen Parcel yourself on the website , if you want to find out more and you can order your first box for only £5.95 including delivery and then they cost £9.99 per month after that including delivery. They are packed with your chosen brand of either tampons or pads and each month you will get a different selection of treats that will include a sweet treat, a drink and some beauty goodies. And when you sign up you tell them when your daughters period is due and the box will arrive a few days beforehand each month so that she is prepared for when mother nature pays her monthly visit.


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