Thursday, 7 August 2014

Week 36 Pregnancy Update

I am now 37 +2 weeks pregnant and I only have at most two weeks of pregnancy left! Week 36 was a busy week so let me tell you what my pregnancy was like at 36 weeks.

If you saw my pregnancy post last week 35 update you will have seen that I had a hospital appointment to see my consultant and for a growth scan when I was exactly 36 weeks pregnant. All was well on the scan and baby has had a bit of a growth spurt and is now no longer small, they estimated his weight to be around 6lbs and told me to expect a 7 and a half pound baby at birth. If that is true then he will be my smallest baby as the girls were 8lb3 and 8lb2, I am still expecting him to be a big baby for some reason even though my bump is not that big.

I then had an appointment with the doctors and it was decided that the best thing for the baby is to be born at 39 weeks due to the medication I am taking for my blood pressure and the risk that it may rise later in pregnancy or reduce the placenta function in some way. So I have been booked in for an induction when I will be exactly 39 weeks pregnant. 

As soon as I left the hospital and knew the baby would be arriving soon I went out and bought all of my hospital bag things and some more cute baby outfits. I just have a few more things to buy for him like tins of milk and a nice changing bag and then I will have everything ready for him. I just need the baby to hold on a bit longer so that I can pack my hospital bag, wash all his tiny clothes and have a good clear out and clean of the house then I might feel a bit more ready and organised for his arrival.

That's about all that's been happening this week bump wise. the weeks really are flying by and I can not believe that in just two weeks time I will have had my baby boy and will be a mam of three. 



  1. Ahh the parental guilt! Yep I understand that one :( The not being able to get comfy is crappy to - very tiring! Just focus on the fact it's not long to go now xx

  2. Thank you, i no hopefully we will both have are babies soon ! hopefully you have your baby before me though! i hope you are not finding the last few days of pregnancy too hard. xx


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