Wednesday, 7 March 2018

Other Bloggers Family Lives Featuring A Journey To A Lifetime

This week on Other Bloggers Family Lives I am featuring Carol who blogs at A Journey To A Lifetime. Carol blogs about family life as a mum of three, budgeting and money saving tips. So let's find out more about the family behind A Journey To A Lifetime. 

A Journey To A Lifetime Blog Logo

1.) Tell me a bit about yourself and your family?

I am Carol, I live with my husband Benedict and our three children Aiden (7), Isla (3) and Emilie (2). Our house is loud and busy.

2.) Where do you live?

We live in a village in Warwickshire.

3.) What are your favourite things to do as a family where you live?

We are big fans of National Trust sites and a picnic. Closer to home we enjoy the country parks for the walks, swings and feeding the ducks.

4.) If you could live anywhere where would you?

Sweden, I am not sure why, but something really intrigues me about the country. My husband lived in other countries when he was younger, I think that is why we would possibly move further and why we look outside of our own country when discussing if we should move to a new house.

5.) Did you grow up close to where you live now and what are your favourite things to do as a family where you live?

Yes, I grew up in a city near where we live. My favourite memories are my friends, looking back now school was a great time in my life and a memory I enjoy.

6.) Have you got any exciting family plans for the year ahead?

It is my 30th this year so we are yet to plan anything, but we know we are doing something as a family to celebrate that. I am currently enjoying being a SAHM which will end as my youngest goes to school, so I am just trying to enjoy every moment and every activity as much as I can.

7.) What is your favourite thing about family life?

I love that no day is the same. You can plan and have routine but today will not be the same as yesterday. I also love seeing everyday things through a child's eye, their imagination is incredible. We are in a busier and noisier time of our life but I know I need to grab every moment as when they are older this is what we will be looking back on.

Thank you so much for taking the time to answer these questions, Carol. It sounds like you are really cherishing these days at home while your children are small, I too will be returning to work when my youngest starts school and I am trying to enjoy the time I have at home as best I can. I hope you have a lovely time celebrating your 30th this year. 

If you would like to find out more about Carol and her family visit her blog

Or follow her on social media

Twitter  Carolclarke_
Pinterest  AJLblog

Don't forget to check out last weeks post featuring A Cup Of Toast if you missed it. If you would like to take part in Other Bloggers Family Lives just send me an email at 


  1. I completely agree about enjoying seeing the world through your children's eyes. It makes everything seem more magical and fresh!

    1. It really does, they find so many things I would overlook amazing x

  2. We're big fans of National Trust and picnics too! Lovely to find new bloggers x

    1. I really need to start doing this with my children, we never visit national trust x

  3. I would love to live in Scandinavia too, although Finland would be my choice

    1. I have never thought of living there, it seems a popular choice though x

  4. What a lovely interview. I can imagine how loud and busy Carol's house is.

  5. Nice to meet you. My friend lives in Sweden and moved there 18 months ago. We visited last year and it was a beautiful country

  6. I can understand the appeal of living in Sweden...there's something about the Swedish way they just seem to have such a great outlook!

    1. I think it would be too cold for me, it does look beautiful though x

  7. I also love how every day is different, especially with kids! Their imaginations are certainly amazing x

  8. Carol and her family sound lovely and we like National Trust properties too, must get out more and see some new sites x Going to pop over and have a look at her blog x


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