Friday, 15 December 2017

Ageing Gracefully With Canesten

As a woman in her mid-thirties (I am now 34) and a mum of three my body has changed so much over the years. In my mind, I still somehow think that I am in my mid-twenties and when I remind myself that actually, I am now 34 I feel a bit surprised as it sounds so grown up! Obviously, I know I am grown-up, I am a mum of three and my eldest is now 15-years-old, I have a house and bills to pay, I run my own business and I am planning my wedding.  But sometimes I think we forget we are getting older, we might find the odd grey hair or realise we are going to bed earlier and no longer know all the songs in the charts but we brush these things off. 

But I am getting older and as a result, my body is changing. I look back at old photos of myself from ten-years-ago and marvel at how slim I looked, how shiny my hair was and how fresh my skin looks. It is not all bad though as I feel much more confident in my own skin these days. My tummy will never be flat thanks to three pregnancies and abdominal surgery, I now have to dye my hair because I need to not because I just fancy a colour change and I don't think I will ever have fresh, flawless skin ever again. I am fine with this though as I am happy to age gracefully and know that this is just part of life. 

One thing I have noticed over the past few years is that as I am getting older I do need to take more care of myself. I am hypermobile and as a result, I need to take extra care of my joints and ensure I don't overdo things. I need to keep an eye on my blood pressure as high blood pressure runs in my family and I also need to get a full 8-hours each night or I get horrendous dark circles around my eyes for days. 

Next year - or should I say next month (how fast has this year went?), I am going to be making some changes to my lifestyle to enable me to lead a healthier lifestyle and look after myself more. I am planning on eating healthier and joining a gym in 2018, as not only do I want to get healthy and lose weight for my upcoming holiday and wedding but also to encourage my children to lead healthy, active lifestyles too. I will make sure I attend regular medical and health appointments, such as getting my eyes tested and visiting the dentist more regular then I do. I truly believe that keeping on top of my general health and wellbeing now will prevent me having health problems in later life. 

Something else that I have been thinking about lately is the menopause, my Mam died when she was only 44 so I don't know anything about the menopause. I know that it can happen anytime, although is most common around the age of 45-55 years of age. So it could happen to me in ten to twenty years time, or maybe even sooner. It is still a bit of a taboo subject, but things such as 
Vaginal dryness can happen in the lead up to the menopause. 

Canesten wants to break this taboo and they want to raise awareness of this condition as it is such a common condition that up to 1 in 3 women suffers from. It does not just happen to women as they age either as it can happen at any age and is also common after women have had babies too. Women are often embarrassed by this condition and put off seeking help or talking about this problem, but as it is so common women really should not feel this way. Canesten have specially formulated products available to help with vaginal dryness and your doctor is always available to talk to too.

As we age our bodies do change and it is time we embraced these changes and got the help we needed without feeling embarrassed. 

Disclosure - This post has been supported by Canesintima®, but all thoughts are my own. 



  1. Such a good way to raise awareness and being the wrong side of 40 this is an issue I know I will have to face at some point.

  2. I am going to be honest here - I have had a lot of problems down there recently and have been turning to Canesten....with age your body definitely changes and I find mine is becoming increasingly sensitive. It's great that you're opening up this conversation with Canesten. Something we need do much more as women x

  3. I completely agree with everything Lindsay - as we grow older we definitely need to take better care of ourselves.

    1. We really do, I can't believe we are in our mid 30s now! x

  4. I think it's great when taboo topics are approached head-on by brands, so that embarrassment isn't something us women have to deal with :)

  5. It’s crazy how much of our health is a taboo subject. I know as I get older I’m getting much less embarrassed about these things compared to when I was younger.

  6. I've not really thought about vaginal dryness as an issue so thanks for raising this awareness. It's also great to be aware from a younger age too.

    1. It really is I hope my girls grow up without being worried about health issues x

  7. Totally agree about needing to take better care of myself/yourself. I turn 40 this year - eek!

    1. I 35 this year and really need to start taking care of myself x

  8. Growing older is not something many if us like to think about, much less talk about but you're raising awareness about something we women are likely to face at some stage in our lives. And you're absolutely right that we should all be mindful of taking better of ourselves as we get older!

    1. We really should, I think we take so much for granted when we are younger x


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