Saturday 9 June 2018

World Doll Day With Tiny Tears

Did you know that today, the 9th June is world doll day? Nope me either. Dolls are so loved around the world though that I am not surprised that they have their own day. To help celebrate World Doll Day, my recently turned 5-year-old daughter, Sophia was sent a Tiny Tears Interactive Doll. Sophia adores dolls, she plays with her 'babies' as she calls them all of the time, dressing them up, pushing them around in the buggy and playing games. She has lots of dolls and even reviewed a Tiny Tears Doll when she was three, which she still plays with now. 

The interactive Tiny Tears doll was a lot different though and Sophia was so excited when it arrived, she could not wait to get it out the box. This doll is different to the classic doll in that it still drinks from a bottle and 'wee's but it also cries and talks, unlike the classic doll. It also looks like a baby with baby-like features and clothing and comes with accessories such as a bottle, potty, bib and nappy. She comes with batteries already included so she is ready to play with as soon as you open the box. 

tiny tear interactive doll and accessories

Sophia loves that doll cries and says mama, she has had fun giving her a bottle of water and watching her wee on the potty. When Sophia grows up she wants to be a babysitter for a job and she has certainly been getting the practice in playing with her new Tiny Tears doll, putting the nappy on and looking after her. I love how dolls like this encourage role play and imaginative play in young children and bring out their caring side. 

Seeing my own daughter playing with her doll brings back happy memories of when I was a child and had my own Tiny Tears doll which I got one Christmas. It is lovely watching her play with her doll and care for it and make up games. The Interactive Tiny Tears Doll is a great new addition to Sophia's doll collection and she has had great fun celebrating National Doll Day with her new baby doll. 

You can buy the Interactive Tiny Tears Doll From John Adams Toys RRP £32.99 from all leading toy retailers now. 

Disclosure I was sent this doll for the purpose of this review, however, all opinions are my own. 


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