Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Other Bloggers Family Lives Featuring Nomipalony

Welcome back to another week of my guest post series Other Bloggers Family Lives. This week I am featuring a fellow North East blogger the lovely Nyomi from Nomipalony. Nyomi only started blogging a few months ago but her blog is full of parenting posts, restaurant reviews and family days out and she also makes lovely vlogs too. 

Nomipalong UK parent blogger

So lets find out more about the family behind Nomipalony. 

1.) Tell me a bit about yourself and your family ? 

Myself and Papa Ginge are both 32, our son Arlo is 4 and our littlest Lena is 14 months old. Papa Ginge works full time in IT and I work part time as a Project Officer and then I am with the kids and working on Nomipalony the rest of the time. 

2.) Where do you live ? 

We live in South Tyneside - it only takes us 30 minutes to get to the centre of Newcastle on the metro or by car and the same to Durham. 

3.) What is your favourite thing to do as a family where you live ? 

We are pretty close to South Shields for a trip to the beach and the amusements. We are so fortunate in the North East to have such easy access to so many great beaches. Playing on the sand and in the sea will blow the cobwebs out even on the worst of days! We are also big foodies so love getting into Newcastle and trying new restaurants as much as possible. We are also close to Bill Quay Farm so will often pop down there for a mooch and to the cafe - we made a vlog of the last visit. 

4.) If you could live anywhere where would you ? 

I've travelled around our beautiful country a lot and lived in London for a year and you'll never persuade me that there is anywhere better to live than the North East, I love it here. We have everything you could possibly want. That said I would really like to move from South Tyneside back to County Durham where I am from. I've not fully convinced Papa Ginge of this though - he's a true Geordie and breaks out in a sweat at the thought of getting further away from Newcastle/Gateshead. I don't have any real support where I live during the week and it makes such a difference to your quality of life with little ones when you live close enough to your family that they can be an integrated part of your daily life. Back home my sister and cousins have kids of similar ages so the kids could all go to school together and we would share drop offs and pick-ups etc, this would make working a lot easier. 

5.) Did you grow up close to where you love now and what are your favourite childhood memories of where you grew up ? 

I grew up in County Durham, in a small ex pit mining village. It was a great place to grow up. I'd love to move back and raise my children there. I have so many fond memories, most involve playing outside with my sister, cousins and friends 'down the block'. There were plenty of fields and greenery to use as our playground. I was forever climbing trees and actually met one of my best friends Jess, up a tree when we were ten. We met again on the first day of school and were in form class together - we still exchange gifts every Christmas. 

6.) Have you got any exciting plans for the year ahead ? 

We have just been on holiday to Spain. It was our last opportunity for a 'cheap' holiday abroad as Lena is under two and our eldest starts school in September so we will be stuck to non-term time then. Arlo starting school will be a big deal for us, all the school in our area are oversubscribed so we've no idea where he will be placed. We are a bit anxious about how we will manage one tot in nursery on one side of town and one in school on the other, on the days we both work long hours. I'm sure we will figure it all out in the end though. Papa Ginge has applied to go part-time too and drop a day a week and if that's approved it will make an enormous difference to our life - we have all our fingers and toes crossed. 

7.) What is your favourite thing about family life ? 

Everything! There is so much love and happiness and laughter and chaos. I love the noise and action (writing this I do, don't hold me to this when I've two crazed kids jumping on me at 5am!). Kids really force you to re-evaluate your priorities and live in the present. They keep you honest, especially with yourself. They bring the magic back into life - there is nothing like experiencing the magic of Christmas through the eyes of a 4 year old. I love watching them grow and conquer new skills, they inspire me daily. Family life just feels so right, every day. Even on the worst days it feels like you are exactly where you were meant to be. 

Thank you so much for taking part Nyomi I loved reading your answers and I hope that you have found a school you are happy with for Arlo in September. Funnily enough my brother used to live in the exact same village in Durham you did. I loved your answers about what you love about family life and I totally agree that family life just feels so right. 

To find out more about Nyomi visit her blog

Or follow her on social media 

Twitter nomipalony
Facebook nomipalony
Instagram nomipalony
You Tube Nomipalonyuk

 Don't forget to check out last weeks post featuring Keeping Strong & Moving Forward if you missed it. If you would like to take part in Other Bloggers Family Lives then please just send me an email at , you don't need to be a parent to take part either as the questions can be easily adapted. 



  1. Thanks so much for including us!! Arlo has a settling visit at this new school in July!

    1. No Thank You for taking part, I loved featuring you. I am so glad that he has a place at a school sorted xx

  2. Another new blog to discover, thanks to you! :) x

  3. Totally agree on the happiness, craziness and chaos! That really is the essence of family life...

    1. It really is, family life is very crazy at times but so worthwhile xx

  4. So cute that you write guest posts with other bloggers. Such a great way to meet new bloggers and for us to find new ones!

    1. I love featuring other bloggers, I enjoy finding out about the family behind the blog & discovering new blogs to read xx

  5. Having your children going to school far apart would be awful! I'm sure a lot of parents complain about that. Nice to get to know a bit more about you :D

    1. I agree, in September my little two will be at different nursery's and I will be doing drop off/ pick ups all day long xx

  6. I'm glad you were able to take a vacation before your son starts school! That's always the best time to go away for a bit and refresh before hustle and bustle of school:)

    1. I am hoping that we can do the same next spring before are daughter starts school xx

  7. Ooh a new blog to read, thank you. We have just got back from Portugal for the same reasons, next year will be very different with a 2 and 4 year old in school holidays X

    1. We are hoping to do the same next spring as my little girl starts school next year. I hope that you had a wonderful time in Portugal xx

  8. Nice interview. I'd never heard of Nyomi's blog before, so I'm off to have a look now!

  9. what a great interview this was and another blog I have bookmarked to go and read x

  10. Nice interview. I enjoy reading about other bloggers. Off to check out her blog.

    1. Me too, it is always nice to find out a bit more about the person behind the blog isn't it ? xx

  11. I was born in County Durham but havent been back for years, would love to though. A new blog to check out for me

    1. I really need a proper day out in Durham as even though I live so close and my brother lived there for years I have never really visited the town centre xx

  12. Love posts like this. I know the feeling about the cheap holidays. Mine starts in September so that's us tied in to half term breaks from now on x

    1. I am dreading when my little two start school and we are tied to term time holidays, the price is crazy. We are just going to taken them out in term time and pay the fine as it will still save us so much money xx

  13. Nice to meet you! I grew up in Durham (Kara - you were born there?). Small world! Another blog to bookmark and follow :)

    1. It really is a small world, I have heard of four bloggers who grew up in Durham now that I never would have known as they live so far away from the North East now xx

  14. Aw South Shields is meant to be lovely I have always wanted to go, your family sounds lovely.

    1. South Shields is a lovely day out, we were there last week. We love visiting the beach and the fair next to the beach xx

  15. I hope that you enjoy it, I really enjoy reading her blog xx

  16. I hope Arlo settles in well at school, we will be doing the same thing with out daughter in September. I love how much she loves where she lives too

    1. My little girl will be starting school next year so I will be keeping an eye on everyone's blog to see how you all get on xx

  17. Posts like these are some of my favourites because I always find great new reads. Nyomi is such a pretty name!


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