Tuesday 27 April 2021

Home Plans 2021

Collaborative post.

The past year so many people have been busy transforming their homes during the pandemic, I have witnessed on social media so many lovely transformations. From decorating whole homes, revamping just one or two rooms or creating welcoming gardening spaces that the whole family can enjoy. So many people have used the time at home to make their homes beautiful. 

And you know what I am a little bit jealous!

I wish that I had spent the past year doing something worthwhile like sorting out our garden or finishing some of the many jobs we have to do with our home. Our home still needs so much doing to it as we underestimated just how much work it would take to modernise our 50's semi when we moved in four years ago. But to be honest, the past year has been tough! having all three children home and having to home-school whilst my husband worked extra shifts and left me dealing with a very mischievous puppy was hard work! I bet I am not the only one who felt like that too. 

But all of the lockdown home improvements I have seen over the past year have inspired me to get our home sorted once and for all. As we are not having a summer holiday again this year we have decided to use the money on getting all those little jobs we keep putting off done around the house as we have done nothing to the house in the past year. 

One of the first things I plan on doing is getting our bathroom sorted as our shower recently broke and we desperately need a new one. I also want to get some new gloss bathroom wall tiles on the wall in a light colour to make the room feel bigger.  I also want some new bathroom accessories to freshen things up a little. 

Our kitchen and living room both could do with a fresh lick of paint as white and grey walls don't work well with children with sticky little handprints, so we are planning on painting over them in the next few weeks. I am also contemplating painting our fireplace as it is pine and a bit old fashioned, if anyone has tried this let me know in the comments below. 

Our stairs have dark wood panelling on and I hate it so we are planning on getting that all removed and the walls plastered and the hallway and staircase all painted white to brighten things up. We also want all new bedroom doors fitted as they are dark wood and a bit gloomy looking. 

We are planning on getting new carpets and new bedroom furniture for the children's bedrooms now they are a bit older. I also really want to turn our utility room into a workroom for the teen and her little craft business, so she has her own space and I can have my dining room table back. 

Lastly, we want to totally revamp the gardens but I think it will be a big job. We want to turn our front garden into a drive as parking in our street is awful. We want a new back garden fence and to get the back garden all astroturfed and create a nice relaxing area for us and then an area for the children to play with the football nets and garden toys in a separate area. We are lucky we have a big garden but at the moment it is not getting put to good use. 

I will never have an insta worthy show type home - as three kids, a dog and a messy husband make that impossible. Our home is very much lived in and is a place we can relax and spend time as a family making memories. However, we can still have a nice home that we are proud of and this year my mission is to make our home a nice inviting home that we can enjoy but still looks nice without lots of little unfinished jobs everywhere

I will be sure to let you know how we get on and share our progress over the coming months of how we are getting on with our home improvements. 


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